Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Infant

Meets HHS Criteria Meets HHS Criteria

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2020


Evidence of model effectiveness

Title General population Tribal population Domains with favorable effects
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Infant Yes, Meets HHS Criteria Meets HHS criteria for an early childhood home visiting service delivery model Does not meet HHS criteria for tribal population because the model has not been evaluated with a tribal population.
  • Child development and school readiness,
  • Child health,
  • Positive parenting practices,
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Toddler Does not meet HHS criteria because the findings from high- or moderate-rated effectiveness studies of the model do not meet all required criteria. Does not meet HHS criteria for tribal population because the model has not been evaluated with a tribal population.
  • Child development and school readiness,

Model description

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up–Infant (ABC-Infant) is a training program for caregivers of infants between the ages of 6 and 24 months, including high-risk birth parents and caregivers of young children in foster care, kinship care (such as a grandparent raising a grandchild), and adoptive care. Parent coaches conduct 10 weekly home visits lasting about 60 minutes each. The model is designed to help caregivers provide (1) nurturing, even when children do not appear to need it, (2) mutually responsive interactions in which caregivers follow children’s lead, and (3) care that does not frighten children. Parent coaches provide immediate feedback (referred to as “in the moment” comments) on the caregivers’ interaction with the child to help the caregivers attend to the target behaviors. During visits, the parent coach and caregiver watch videos of the caregiver interacting with the child. The parent coach highlights the caregiver’s strengths, celebrates changes in behavior, and identifies areas for improvement. The model also incorporates homework to give caregivers the opportunity to practice the skills they are learning and record their observations about their own behavior and the child’s behavior.

This report also includes a review of ABC-Toddler, designed for children between the ages of 24 and 48 months. (The studies HomVEE reviewed for ABC-Infant include research published before 2015 when the model was called the “ABC Intervention” and research published after the developer renamed the model “ABC-Infant” after introducing ABC-Toddler.)

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Extent of evidence

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Infant

28 Manuscripts

Eligible for review

11 Manuscripts

Rated high or

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Toddler

2 Manuscripts

Eligible for review

1 Manuscript

Rated high or

For more information, see the research database. For more information on the criteria used to rate research, please see details of HomVEE’s methods and standards.

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Summary of findings

To see details on each manuscript HomVEE reviewed in well-designed research, click on the manuscript counts in the table.

A finding showing a statistically significant impact on an outcome measure in a direction that is beneficial for children and parents.

No effect:
Findings are not statistically significant.

Unfavorable or ambiguous:
A finding showing a statistically significant impact on an outcome measure in a direction that may indicate potential harm to children and/or parents.

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Infant
Outcomes Manuscripts Favorable Findings No Effects Findings Unfavorable or Ambiguous Findings
Child development and school readiness View 7 Manuscripts 8 11 0
Child health View 1 Manuscript 1 0 0
Family economic self-sufficiency Not measured - - -
Linkages and referrals Not measured - - -
Maternal health Not measured - - -
Positive parenting practices View 7 Manuscripts 11 12 0
Reductions in child maltreatment Not measured - - -
Reductions in juvenile delinquency, family violence, and crime Not measured - - -
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Toddler
Outcomes Manuscripts Favorable Findings No Effects Findings Unfavorable or Ambiguous Findings
Child development and school readiness View 1 Manuscript 2 1 0
Child health Not measured - - -
Family economic self-sufficiency Not measured - - -
Linkages and referrals Not measured - - -
Maternal health Not measured - - -
Positive parenting practices Not measured - - -
Reductions in child maltreatment Not measured - - -
Reductions in juvenile delinquency, family violence, and crime Not measured - - -
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Criteria established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Information based on comprehensive review of all high- and moderate-rated manuscripts
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Infant
CriterionCriterion descriptionCriterion met?
1High- or moderate-quality impact study?Yes
2Across high- or moderate-quality studies, favorable impacts in at least two outcome domains within one sample OR the same domain for at least two non-overlapping samples?Yes
3Favorable impacts on full sample?Yes
4Any favorable impacts on outcome measures sustained at least 12 months after model enrollment?
Reported for all research but only required for RCTs.
5One or more favorable, statistically significant impact reported in a peer-reviewed journal?
Reported for all research but only required for RCTs.
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) -Toddler
CriterionCriterion descriptionCriterion met?
1High- or moderate-quality impact study?Yes
2Across high- or moderate-quality studies, favorable impacts in at least two outcome domains within one sample OR the same domain for at least two non-overlapping samples?No
3Favorable impacts on full sample?Yes
4Any favorable impacts on outcome measures sustained at least 12 months after model enrollment?
Reported for all research but only required for RCTs.
5One or more favorable, statistically significant impact reported in a peer-reviewed journal?
Reported for all research but only required for RCTs.
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Model implementation profile last updated: 2020

Theoretical approach

Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up–Infant (ABC-Infant) is based on attachment theory and stress neurobiology.*

* ABC-Infant was originally called the ABC Intervention. The developer renamed the model ABC-Infant after creating a version of the model for toddlers (described under Adaptations and enhancements).

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Implementation support availability

ABC-Infant was developed by Mary Dozier, Ph.D., and the Infant Caregiver Project at the University of Delaware. Implementation support is available through the program development team, which is composed of certified ABC supervisors employed by the University of Delaware and supervised by the model developer.

The program development team provides ongoing technical assistance.

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Intended population

ABC-Infant is a training program for caregivers of infants between the ages of 6 and 24 months, including high-risk birth parents and caregivers of young children in foster care, kinship care (for example, a grandparent raising a grandchild), and adoptive care.

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Targeted outcomes

ABC-Infant aims to help caregivers provide:

  • Nurturing, even when children do not appear to need it;
  • Mutually responsive interactions in which caregivers follow children’s lead; and
  • Care that is not frightening or overwhelming to children, such as refraining from verbal threats.
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Model services

ABC-Infant is a training program for caregivers. It is delivered in the family’s home by a parent coach. The curriculum outlines the focus for each session. Sessions 1 and 2 are designed to help caregivers reinterpret children’s behavioral signals, providing nurturing even when it is not elicited. Sessions 3 and 4 are designed to help caregivers learn to follow their children’s lead. Sessions 5 and 6 are designed to help caregivers recognize their own overwhelming or frightening behaviors and develop alternative responses. Sessions 7 and 8 are designed to help caregivers overcome automatic responses to their children that are based on their own experiences and could interfere with providing nurturing, sensitive care. Sessions 9 and 10 are designed to reinforce knowledge gained during previous sessions.

Per the program development team, the most crucial aspect of the intervention is the parent coach’s use of immediate feedback (referred to as "in the moment" comments) on the caregiver’s interaction with the child. Throughout the home visiting session, the parent coach comments on the caregiver’s interactions to help the caregiver attend to the target behaviors, including following the child’s lead with delight, using nurturing behaviors, and avoiding frightening behaviors. During the session, the parent coach and caregiver also watch a video of the caregiver interacting with the child. The parent coach highlights the caregiver’s strengths, celebrates changes in behavior, and identifies areas for improvement. The model also incorporates homework to give caregivers the opportunity to practice the skills they are learning and record their observations about their own behavior and the child’s behavior.

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Model intensity and length

ABC-Infant includes 10 weekly sessions lasting about 60 minutes each.

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Adaptations and enhancements

Two versions of the model have been developed: (1) ABC-Toddler and (2) Modified ABC. ABC-Toddler is for children between the ages of 24 and 48 months and aims to help caregivers provide calming behaviors when young children are angry and/or unable to regulate their emotions. Modified ABC is designed for mothers with opioid dependence.

No information is available on the process, if any, for considering modifications to the model.

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Organizational requirements

There are no requirements about the type or characteristics of organizations that can implement ABC-Infant. Currently, the model is primarily implemented by agencies that conduct home visits with foster parents, adoptive parents, and high-risk birth parents.

ABC-Infant requires parent coaches to meet ongoing fidelity guidelines. Please contact the model developer for additional information about these guidelines.

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Staffing requirements

ABC-Infant is implemented by parent coaches who conduct home visits.

There are no education or experience requirements for the parent coaches. However, all prospective parent coaches are required to pass a screening process that involves a 45-minute video interview with the program development team to assess the parent coach candidates’ openness to attachment theory, ability to provide in-the-moment comments about caregiver-child behavior, and their agencies’ readiness for implementation.

Parent coaches are considered trainees until they become certified after a year-long supervision process and assessment of their adherence and fidelity to the model. Each week for one year, parent coach trainees must participate in two videoconferences with a supervisor from the program development team. These meetings are explained below:

  • Group clinical supervision. A one-hour meeting of two or three trainees with a supervisor; the meeting includes a review of videos from home visit sessions.
  • “In the moment” commenting supervision. A 30-minute one-on-one meeting between a supervisor and trainee. Before each supervision meeting, the trainee and supervisor code the trainee’s use of commenting in a 5-minute videotaped segment from the trainee’s home visit sessions. The goal of the supervision is to enhance comment quality and frequency by supporting trainees’ assessment of their own commenting.

Ongoing supervision is recommended but not required after parent coaches complete the certification process. The program development team offers training to program sites on how to provide ongoing supervision for their parent coaches after the supervision from the program development team ends.

Parent coach trainees must attend a two-day pre-service training. The program development team offers the training for small groups three times annually in Newark, Delaware. For larger groups, the program development team conducts training at program sites. Please contact the model developer for additional information about the pre-service training requirement.

ABC-Infant does not require that parent coaches or supervisors participate in ongoing professional development.

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HomVEE requests input and feedback from the model developers on their profiles. The information in this implementation profile reflects feedback, if provided, from this model’s developer as of the above date. HomVEE reserves the right to edit the profile for clarity and consistency. The description of the implementation of the model(s) here may differ from how the model(s) was implemented in the manuscripts reviewed to determine this model’s evidence of effectiveness. Model developers are encouraged to notify HomVEE of any changes to their contact information on this page.