Parent-Child Home Program.Model Intensity and Length

The ParentChild+ Core Model requires that participating families receive twice-weekly 30-minute home visits for 46 weeks, for a total of 92 visits. The 46-week program is divided into two cycles of 46 home visits over 23 weeks each. The two cycles are meant to provide flexibility for program sites to determine how to implement the entire 46 weeks of programming based on the local context and needs of the site. Program sites operating within a school district typically follow the academic calendar and take a break over the summer before beginning the next cycle. However, program sites sponsored by community-based organizations may implement the two cycles without a break or with only a short break between cycles, and they may offer rolling enrollment rather than having all families start in the fall.

Families participate in the two cycles over a one- to two-year period when their child is 2 and 3 years old.