Healthy Families America (HFA)® Meets HHS Criteria

Model effectiveness research report last updated: 2020

Effects shown in research

Family economic self-sufficiency

Findings rated high

Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
Has health care coverage
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 2 Children in custody of biological mother at interview, Alaska trial 249 children % (adjusted) = 95.00 Adjusted mean % = 90.00 OR = 2.05 HomVEE calculated = 0.45 Statistically significant,
p < 0.05
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
Number of days on TANF, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted mean = 176.10 Unadjusted mean = 169.60 Mean difference = 6.50 HomVEE calculated = 0.03 Not statistically significant, p = 0.51
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Number of days on SNAP, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted mean = 475.10 Unadjusted mean = 461.20 Mean difference = 13.90 HomVEE calculated = 0.05 Not statistically significant, p = 0.20
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Number of days with child care subsidy, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted mean = 19.50 Unadjusted mean = 19.80 Mean difference = -0.30 HomVEE calculated = 0.00 Not statistically significant, p = 0.92
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Percentage ever received TANF, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted proportion = 0.42 Unadjusted proportion = 0.41 Mean difference = 0.01 HomVEE calculated = 0.02 Not statistically significant, p = 0.56
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Percentage ever received child care subsidy, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted proportion = 0.11 Unadjusted proportion = 0.11 Mean difference = -0.01 HomVEE calculated = -0.04 Not statistically significant, p = 0.33
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Percentage ever received SNAP, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted proportion = 0.85 Unadjusted proportion = 0.82 Mean difference = 0.02 HomVEE calculated = 0.10 Statistically significant, p = 0.01
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Percentage of children ever enrolled in Oregon Health Plan

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

2 years

Oregon, 2010-2012, full sample

2707 children Percent = 0.83 Percent = 0.83 Odds ratio = 1.01 HomVEE calculated = 0.01

Not statistically significant, p= 0.93

Submitted by barbara on

HomVEE calculated the effect size based on the study-reported odds ratio.

Total number of days enrolled in Oregon Health Plan (children)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

2 years

Oregon, 2010-2012, full sample

2707 children Days = 519.20 Days = 524.80 Mean difference = -5.60 HomVEE calculated = -0.02

Not statistically significant, p= 0.61

Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
WIC receipt
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 91.00 % = 91.00 = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.00 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
WIC receipt
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 68.00 % = 71.00 = -3.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.09 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Adult education
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 23.00 % = 21.00 = 2.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.07 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Adult education
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 22.00 % = 21.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Child has insurance coverage
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 children % = 84.20 % = 87.20 = -3.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.15 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
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This study was assigned a moderate rating for this outcome due to statistically significant differences between the program and comparison groups at baseline.
Child has insurance coverage
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 children % = 82.40 % = 84.00 = -1.60 HomVEE calculated = -0.07 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Child support enforcement
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 10.00 % = 16.00 = -6.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.33 Statistically significant,
p < 0.05
Child support enforcement
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 14.00 % = 12.00 = 2.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.11 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Emergency food
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 13.00 % = 9.00 = 4.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.25 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
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In contrast to the study-reported results, HomVEE calculations showed this difference to be statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). The HomVEE tests of statistical significance are based on the HomVEE calculated effect sizes, whereas authors may have used other techniques to determine statistical significance, such as regression models or analyses of variance (ANOVA).

Emergency food
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 11.00 % = 8.00 = 3.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.21 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Food stamps
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 59.00 % = 58.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.02 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Food stamps
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 43.00 % = 44.00 = -1.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.02 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Homeless shelter
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 2.00 % = 1.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.43 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Homeless shelter
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 1.00 % = 1.00 = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.00 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Legal aid
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 7.00 % = 6.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.10 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Legal aid
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 7.00 % = 4.00 = 3.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.36 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Mother earned HS degree or currently enrolled
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 64.00 % = 61.00 = 3.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.08 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Mother earned HS degree or currently enrolled
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 58.00 % = 59.00 = -1.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.02 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Mother attended school
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 43.00 % = 40.00 = 3.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.07 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Mother attended school
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 37.00 % = 28.00 = 9.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.25 Statistically significant,
p < 0.05
Mother worked
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 49.00 % = 49.00 = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.00 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Mother worked
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 69.00 % = 70.00 = -1.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.03 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Section 8 housing
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 8.00 % = 11.00 = -3.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.21 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
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In contrast to the study-reported results, HomVEE calculations showed this difference to be statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05). The HomVEE tests of statistical significance are based on the HomVEE calculated effect sizes, whereas authors may have used other techniques to determine statistical significance, such as regression models or analyses of variance (ANOVA).

Section 8 housing
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 10.00 % = 7.00 = 3.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.24 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Someone in household worked
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 74.00 % = 71.00 = 3.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.09 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Someone in household worked
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 84.00 % = 83.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Use of respite care
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 3.00 % = 1.00 = 2.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.68 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Use of respite care
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 2.00 % = 1.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.43 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Welfare receipt
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, San Diego trial 435 families % = 62.00 % = 63.00 = -1.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.03 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Welfare receipt
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 3 Full sample, San Diego trial 412 families % = 43.00 % = 46.00 = -3.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.07 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance

Job training or employment

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

6 months

HFA vs. comparison group, Arizona, full sample

199 mothers Unadjusted proportion = 0.49 Unadjusted proportion = 0.52 Mean difference = -0.03 Study reported = 0.09

Not statistically significant, p= 0.54

Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
Mother earned HS degree or in school
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, Hawaii trial 564 mothers % = 81.00 % = 80.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Mother earned HS degree or in school
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 2 Full sample, Hawaii trial 567 mothers % = 82.00 % = 81.00 = 1.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.04 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Someone in household worked
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, Hawaii trial 564 mothers % = 68.00 % = 70.00 = -2.00 HomVEE calculated = -0.06 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Someone in household worked
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 2 Full sample, Hawaii trial 567 mothers % = 77.00 % = 75.00 = 2.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.07 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
School or training for mother
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
12 months Arizona sample 171 mothers Mean % = 35.20 Mean % = 6.80 Mean difference = 0.28 HomVEE calculated = 1.19 Statistically significant, p = 0.01

Findings rated moderate

Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
Increased education by year or more since baseline
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
24 months Program group families not affected by substance abuse,
NY Best Beginnings trial
512 families % = 18.40 % = 7.40 OR = 2.50 HomVEE calculated = 0.63 Statistically significant,
p < 0.05
Receipt of public assistance
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
24 months Program group families not affected by substance abuse,
NY Best Beginnings trial
512 families Not available Not available Beta = 0.02 Not available Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
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Study reports results using a standardized partial regression coefficient.
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes
Number of days with employment services, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted mean = 98.90 Unadjusted mean = 94.40 Mean difference = 4.50 HomVEE calculated = 0.02 Not statistically significant, p = 0.53
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Percentage ever received employment services, intent-to-treat analysis, unadjusted
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years Oregon, 2010-2012 2707 mothers Unadjusted proportion = 0.31 Unadjusted proportion = 0.30 Mean difference = 0.00 HomVEE calculated = 0.01 Not statistically significant, p = 0.77
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Statistical significance is based on HomVEE calculations.
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance Notes

Percentage of parents ever enrolled in Oregon Health Plan

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

2 years

Oregon, 2010-2012, full sample

2707 parents Percent = 0.84 Percent = 0.84 Odds ratio = 1.03 HomVEE calculated = 0.02

Not statistically significant, p= 0.77

Submitted by barbara on

HomVEE calculated the effect size based on the study-reported odds ratio.

Total number of days enrolled in Oregon Health Plan (parents)

FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect

2 years

Oregon, 2010-2012, full sample

2707 parents Days = 381.40 Days = 380.10 Mean difference = 1.30 HomVEE calculated = 0.00

Not statistically significant, p= 0.62

Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
Household income above poverty level
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 2 Biological mothers with custody of index child at interview, Alaska trial 249 mothers % = 55.00 % = 56.00 OR = 0.97 HomVEE calculated = -0.02 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Household member employed
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 2 Biological mothers with custody of index child at interview, Alaska trial 249 mothers % = 86.00 % = 87.00 OR = 0.90 HomVEE calculated = -0.05 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
Show findings details
Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
Child has health insurance
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY Trial 1061 children % = 93.90 % = 90.40 = 3.50 HomVEE calculated = 0.30 Statistically significant,
p < 0.05
Education appropriate for age
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY trial 1061 families % = 57.50 % = 60.30 = -2.80 HomVEE calculated = -0.07 Not statistically significant,
p > 0.05
Family received TANF
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY trial 1061 families % = 35.00 % = 30.40 = 4.60 HomVEE calculated = 0.13 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Family received WIC
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY trial 1061 families % = 74.80 % = 72.20 = 2.60 HomVEE calculated = 0.08 Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Family received 50% income from work
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY trial 1061 families % = 51.20 % = 56.60 = -5.40 HomVEE calculated = -0.13 Not statistically significant,
p > 0.05
Mother employed
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY trial 1061 families % = 40.80 % = 47.60 = 6.80 HomVEE calculated = -0.17 Statistically significant,
p < 0.05
Mother has health insurance
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
Year 1 Full sample, NY Trial 1061 mothers % (adjusted) = 80.10 Adjusted mean % = 78.40 = 1.70 Not available Not statistically significant, p ≥ 0.05
Healthy Families America (HFA)®
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Outcome measure Effect Follow-up timing Sample Sample size Intervention group Comparison group Group difference Effect size Statistical significance
Completed at least 1 year of college - 2 years
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years post enrollment MA sample 604 mothers Not reported Not reported OR = 1.92 HomVEE calculated = 0.39 Statistically significant, p < 0.01
High school diploma or equivalent - 2 years
FavorableUnfavorable or ambiguousNo Effect
2 years post enrollment MA sample 604 mothers Not reported Not reported OR = 0.87 HomVEE calculated = -0.08 Not statistically significant, p = 0.52
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